Write a class “Program1” that has the method “allLess” (below) that receives two arrays of integers and

returns true if each element in the first array is less than the element at the same index in the second
array. For example, given the arrays {42, 2, 30} and {50, 6, 44}, the method returns true. In cases where
arrays don’t have the same length, the method will compare up to the length of the shortest array.
public static boolean allLess(int[] one, int[] two)

Since all you are passing is the address of the arrays, there's no way to determine their length, unless there's some kind of sentinel value to signal the end of the array.

To write a class "Program1" with the method "allLess" that compares two arrays of integers and returns true if each element in the first array is less than the element at the same index in the second array, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a new Java class named "Program1".
public class Program1 {
// method implementation goes here

Step 2: Add the "allLess" method to the "Program1" class. This method should take two arrays of integers as parameters and return a boolean value indicating whether all elements in the first array are less than the corresponding elements in the second array.

public static boolean allLess(int[] one, int[] two) {
// compare the arrays and return true if condition is met

Step 3: Implement the logic inside the "allLess" method to compare the two arrays.

public static boolean allLess(int[] one, int[] two) {
// get the length of the shortest array
int minLength = Math.min(one.length, two.length);

// loop through the arrays up to the length of the shortest array
for (int i = 0; i < minLength; i++) {
// compare the elements at the same index
if (one[i] >= two[i]) {
return false; // return false if condition is not met

// return true if all elements pass the condition
return true;

Step 4: Test the program by calling the "allLess" method and providing sample arrays.

public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] one = {42, 2, 30};
int[] two = {50, 6, 44};

boolean result = allLess(one, two);
System.out.println(result); // output: true

This implementation compares the arrays up to the length of the shortest array and returns true if all elements in the first array are less than the corresponding elements in the second array.