Find Bugs in the pseudocode

num category
num SIZE = 5
num QUIT = 9
num sales[SIZE] = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
string HEAD1 = "Sales"
string HEAD2 = "Category Number of Sales"
output "Enter category ", QUIT, " to quit "
input category
while category = QUIT
if category >= 1 AND category < SIZE then
sales[category + 1] = sales[category - 1] + 1
output "Invalid category"
output "Enter category ", QUIT, " to quit "
input category
output HEAD1
output HEAD2
category = 0
while category <= SIZE
output category + 1, sales[category]
category = category + 1

Two bugs found.

There are two "while" bit only one "endwhile", and also one "if" but two "endif". Thus it appears that the second "endif" should be an "endwhile".

Also, you have "while category = QUIT" when it seems you wish to loop _until_ that condition.

There are a few bugs in the given pseudocode. Let's go through each one:

1. Syntax error in the declaration of the array `sales`:
- Instead of `num sales[SIZE] = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0`, it should be `num sales[SIZE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}`.
- The values of the array should be enclosed in curly braces to indicate an initialization list.

2. Incorrect condition in the while loop:
- Instead of `while category = QUIT`, it should be `while category != QUIT`.
- The condition should check for inequality using the `!=` operator.

3. Index out of range in the array access:
- In the line `sales[category + 1] = sales[category - 1] + 1`, the index `category + 1` can go out of bounds since the valid indices for the array `sales` are from 0 to SIZE-1.
- To fix this, you can change it to `sales[category - 1] = sales[category - 1] + 1`.

4. Missing "endwhile" statement:
- At the end of the pseudocode, there should be an "endwhile" statement to denote the end of the while loop.
- Add `endwhile` before the `stop` statement.

With these changes applied, the corrected pseudocode will look like this:

num category
num SIZE = 5
num QUIT = 9
num sales[SIZE] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
string HEAD1 = "Sales"
string HEAD2 = "Category Number of Sales"
output "Enter category ", QUIT, " to quit "
input category
while category != QUIT
if category >= 1 AND category < SIZE then
sales[category - 1] = sales[category - 1] + 1
output "Invalid category"
output "Enter category ", QUIT, " to quit "
input category
output HEAD1
output HEAD2
category = 0
while category < SIZE
output category + 1, sales[category]
category = category + 1

These fixes should resolve the identified bugs in the pseudocode.