Mrs. Jones owns 100 shares of stock in Daimler-Benz valued at 16.5 Euros per share. What is the value in $U.S. of her stock if:

0.90 € = $1
Value of 100 shares at €16.5 per share 1,650.00 Euros
Value of 1,650.00 Euros at 0.90 € = $1 is $1,833.33
0.70 € = $1
Value of 1,650.00 Euros at 0.70 € = $1 is $2,357.14
1.20 € = $1
Value of 1,650.00 Euros at 1.20 € = $1 is $1,375.00

To calculate the value of Mrs. Jones' stock in $U.S., you need to multiply the number of shares (100) by the value of each share in Euros (16.5). This will give you the total value of the stock in Euros.

So, 100 shares at €16.5 per share equals 1,650.00 Euros.

To convert this value to $U.S., you need to use the given exchange rates.

If 0.90 € is equal to $1, you can divide the value in Euros by the exchange rate (0.90) to get the value in $U.S.
So, 1,650.00 Euros divided by 0.90 €/$1 equals $1,833.33.

If 0.70 € is equal to $1, you can divide the value in Euros by the exchange rate (0.70) to get the value in $U.S.
So, 1,650.00 Euros divided by 0.70 €/$1 equals $2,357.14.

If 1.20 € is equal to $1, you can divide the value in Euros by the exchange rate (1.20) to get the value in $U.S.
So, 1,650.00 Euros divided by 1.20 €/$1 equals $1,375.00.

Therefore, the value of Mrs. Jones' stock in $U.S. is $1,833.33 with a 0.90 €/$1 exchange rate, $2,357.14 with a 0.70 €/$1 exchange rate, and $1,375.00 with a 1.20 €/$1 exchange rate.