simplify as integer or fraction.


can someone help me with is?

3/4 = 15/20

3/5 = 12/20

15/20 - 12/20 = 3/20

3/4 - 3/5

Find the least common denominator of 4 and 5.

3/4 = 15/20

Multiply the top and bottom by 5.

3/5 = 12/20

Multiply the top and bottom by 4.

15/20 - 12/20 = 3/20

3/20 is your answer.

That is in lowest terms and can't be reduced any further.

To simplify the expression (3/4) - (3/5), we need to find a common denominator and then perform the subtraction.

Step 1: Finding a Common Denominator
The denominators in this expression are 4 and 5. To find a common denominator, we need to determine the least common multiple (LCM) of 4 and 5, which is 20.

Step 2: Converting Fractions
Now that we have a common denominator of 20, we can convert the fractions accordingly:

(3/4) = (3/4) * (5/5) = 15/20

(3/5) = (3/5) * (4/4) = 12/20

Step 3: Subtracting Fractions
Now that both fractions have the same denominator, we can subtract them:

(15/20) - (12/20) = (15 - 12) / 20 = 3/20

Therefore, the simplified form of (3/4) - (3/5) is 3/20.