Hi My summer reading list is due on monday and i'm running out of time to finish this book (it has 6 chapters) I don't have the book with me anymore sadly because it wasn't my book. I wanna know if you can tell me the conflict in each chapter please please please thank you :)

Go to http://www.sparknotes.com/lit and find the book's title in the O's. Read, read, read.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your summer reading list. Unfortunately, since I don't have access to the specific book you're referring to, I won't be able to provide you with the conflicts in each chapter. However, I can guide you on how to find the conflicts yourself, which should be useful not only for this book but also for future reading assignments.

To identify the conflict in each chapter, you can follow these steps:

1. Recall the events: Try to remember the main events, actions, and conversations that took place in each chapter. It's helpful to have a general understanding of the plot.

2. Identify the key characters: Identify the main characters or key players involved in each chapter. Pay attention to their motivations, goals, and interactions.

3. Look for tension: Detect moments of tension, confrontation, or opposition between characters or within the character's thoughts. These moments often signal a conflict.

4. Analyze the central problem: Determine the central problem or issue that arises within each chapter. This problem typically involves a clash of interests, desires, beliefs, or morals between characters or even within an individual's own internal struggle.

5. Consider different types of conflict: Be aware that conflicts can take various forms. They can be internal (a character's internal struggle), external (a conflict between multiple characters), or even societal (a conflict between an individual and society).

Remember, analyzing the conflicts in a story helps to deepen your comprehension of the plot, characters, and themes. By following these steps, you should be able to identify the conflicts in each chapter and complete your summer reading assignment successfully.