1) Le compro un regalo para mi hermana.

Me lo compro esta tarde.
Se lo compro esta tarde.
Te las compro esta tarde.
Se la compro esta tarde.
2) Mis padres viajaron a México. Voy a escribir_____ una carta.

3) Yo te puedo pagar mañana.

Bueno, págate mañana.
Bueno, páganos cuando puedas.
No, págame ahora mismo.
Págale mas pronto.
4)¿Tienes los libros?

Sí, lo tengo.
Sí, las tengo.
No, no los tengo.
No, voy a buscarlas.
5)Quién lee las revistas a Uds.?

Lisa les las lee.
Lisa nos las lee.
Lisa va a leérselas.
Lisa nos los lee.
6) ¿Vas a buscar a tu amiga ahora?

Sí, lo busco.
No, no la voy a buscar.
Sí, voy a buscarme.
No, no te busco.

Please post your answers. Then someone here will check them for you.

1) C

2) B
3) A
4) C
5) D
6) A

1) The correct answer is "Se lo compro esta tarde."

To understand why, we need to break down the sentence. "Le" indicates that the gift is for someone, in this case, "my sister" (mi hermana). "Se" is the indirect object pronoun that refers to "my sister". "Lo" is the direct object pronoun that refers to the gift. "Compro" means "I buy" and "esta tarde" means "this afternoon".

Putting it all together, "Se lo compro esta tarde" translates to "I will buy it for her this afternoon".

2) The correct answer is "les".

In this sentence, "Mis padres" (my parents) is the subject and "viajaron" (traveled) is the verb. "A México" is a preposition that indicates the destination. "Una carta" (a letter) is the direct object.

Since "Mis padres" is the subject and the indirect object pronoun refers to them, we use "les" which means "to them". So the correct answer is "Voy a escribirles una carta" which translates to "I am going to write them a letter".

3) The correct answer is "Bueno, págate mañana".

In this sentence, "Yo" (I) is the subject and "puedo pagar" (can pay) is the verb phrase. "Mañana" means "tomorrow".

To respond, we need to say "Pay me tomorrow". Since the person is speaking to the speaker directly, we use the pronoun "me". Therefore, the correct answer is "Bueno, págate mañana" which translates to "Okay, pay me tomorrow".

4) The correct answer is "Sí, los tengo".

In this sentence, "los libros" (the books) is the direct object. "Tengo" means "have".

To respond, we say "Yes, I have them". The pronoun "them" refers to the books. Therefore, the correct answer is "Sí, los tengo".

5) The correct answer is "Lisa nos las lee".

In this sentence, "Quién" (Who) is the subject and "lee" (reads) is the verb. "Las revistas" (the magazines) is the direct object. "A Uds." refers to "you all".

To respond, we need to say "Lisa reads them to us". Since the person speaking is part of the group being referred to, we use the pronoun "nos" (to us). Therefore, the correct answer is "Lisa nos las lee".

6) The correct answer is "Sí, la busco".

In this sentence, "Vas" (You go) is the verb and "a buscar" means "to look for". "A tu amiga" refers to "your friend".

To respond, we need to say "Yes, I will look for her". Since the friend is the direct object and the speaker is talking about her, we use the pronoun "la" (her). Therefore, the correct answer is "Sí, la busco".