City-States Essay Assignment

In what ways were the Indus Valley people an advanced civilization? In what ways did their civilization compare to an advanced modern civilization today?

How is this?

The Indus Valley people had great architectures. The yearly floods that the Indus people had gotten help deposit new soil through out a wide area. They lived near the world's tallest mountains and near a desert helped them not to get invaded. They were creating the first cities in India. They were soon becoming a very strong independent government. Their engineers also created sophisticated plumbing and sewage systems. They were the first city to have indoor toilets!

Again ... please read this aloud or have someone read it to you.

Fix all errors and re-post.

What are the errors? I thought it was okay..

Did you read it ALOUD?

Your response is a good start, but let's try to expand on it and provide a more comprehensive answer. To properly answer the question about the advanced nature of the Indus Valley civilization and how it compares to a modern civilization, we need to consider various aspects.

1. Urban Planning and Infrastructure:
The Indus Valley civilization was known for its well-planned cities, which exhibited advanced urban planning techniques. The cities were laid out on a grid system, with well-constructed roads, advanced drainage and sewage systems, and sophisticated plumbing. This level of urban planning and infrastructure development was unprecedented for its time and even comparable to some modern cities.

To find more examples or details about their infrastructure development, you could research archaeological findings or specific examples of cities like Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus Valley.

2. Agricultural Practices:
The Indus Valley people were advanced in their agricultural practices. They developed irrigation systems to manage water resources efficiently, enabling them to produce surplus food. This surplus allowed for the growth of cities and the development of specialized occupations.

To find more information on the agricultural practices of the Indus Valley civilization, you could explore historical and archaeological studies on their farming techniques, crop choices, and water management systems.

3. Trade and Commerce:
The Indus Valley civilization engaged in long-distance trade with other regions, including Mesopotamia. They had a well-developed network of trade routes and engaged in commerce, resulting in the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultural influences.

To find more examples or details about their trade and commerce, you could look into historical records, archaeological evidence of trade goods, and any existing trade-related infrastructure like ports or marketplaces.

4. Arts and Crafts:
The Indus Valley civilization had a rich artistic tradition and produced exquisite pottery, sculptures, jewelry, and other crafts. Their artistic creations demonstrated a level of skill and sophistication that can be compared to modern artistic expression.

To find more information about their art and crafts, you could explore archaeological findings of artifacts, study their artistic motifs and styles, and analyze the cultural significance of these artistic creations.

Now, to compare the Indus Valley civilization to an advanced modern civilization today, you could consider the advancements in areas such as technology, governance, communication, healthcare, transportation, and scientific understanding. Each of these aspects has progressed significantly in modern civilization, surpassing the achievements of the Indus Valley people.

To perform a comprehensive comparison, you could gather information from reputable sources, scientific studies, historical records, and current advancements in various fields that showcase the advancements of a modern civilization in contrast to the Indus Valley civilization.

Remember, by combining research with critical analysis, you can provide a well-rounded and informative response to the essay question.

"architecture" -- this word is always used in the singular and is not an alternative for "buildings"

The verb tenses throughout this paragraph are not consistent. Use the past tense only, and be consistent.

"They lived near the world's tallest mountains and near a desert helped them not to get invaded." <~~This sentence seems to be missing some words ... it doesn't make good sense.

People don't become governments; they form governments, though.

"They were the first city to have indoor toilets!" <~~The Indus Valley people were NOT one city!! Look at the size of it!! ~~>