After a 15% pay raise, Scott Walker now earns $27,600. What was his salary before the raise?

1.15x = 27,600

x = 24,000

= 27600 X 100/115

= 24000

To find Scott Walker's salary before the 15% raise, we need to use a simple calculation. Let's denote his salary before the raise as "x".

We know that after the 15% pay raise, Scott Walker now earns $27,600, which means his new salary is 100% + 15% = 115% of his previous salary.

We can write this as an equation: x + 15% of x = $27,600

To find the 15% of x, we can multiply x by 15/100 or simply 0.15.

Now, our equation becomes: x + 0.15x = $27,600

To simplify, we combine the terms: 1.15x = $27,600

Next, we divide both sides of the equation by 1.15 to isolate x: x = $27,600 / 1.15

Solving this equation will give us the value of x, which is Scott Walker's salary before the raise.