michael has a pair of hamsters. The hamsters have two babies. the babies grow up and have wo babies of their own.

write the number of baby hamsters from the statement aboe as a numeral expression using exponential notation. How many baby hamsters are there all together

it appears that there are only 2 babies, as the original parents and their children are now all grown up.

If we count the original babies, then there are 2^2

Sorry there is a typing mistake it was suppose to be the babies grow up to have two babies of their own.so now what's the answer

To write the number of baby hamsters as a numeral expression using exponential notation, we'll start by breaking down the information given.

Michael has a pair of hamsters, which means there are 2 hamsters in total.

The original hamsters have two babies, so we can multiply the original number of hamsters (2) by 2 to find the number of baby hamsters from the first generation. This gives us 2 x 2 = 4 baby hamsters from the first generation.

Now, the babies from the first generation grow up and have two babies each as well. So, we can multiply the number of baby hamsters from the first generation (4) by 2 once again. This gives us 4 x 2 = 8 baby hamsters from the second generation.

To find the total number of baby hamsters, we can add the number of baby hamsters from both generations.

4 (baby hamsters from the first generation) + 8 (baby hamsters from the second generation) = 12 baby hamsters in total.

Therefore, the number of baby hamsters all together is 12.

In exponential notation, this can be written as 12 = 2^2 + 2^3.