I'm doing my summer reading list and I need help these are the instructions

"Have notes for each chapter (or story or part of the novel—depending on how the novel is arranged) with the following points: main characters, conflict, and plot. This will help you with the project that will be assigned to you on the first day of school."

I'm currently doing the book "A Child Called It" for plot I put exposition,rising action, climax, falling action and resolution. Correct? I don't do a summary since the book only has 7 chapters

What does the number of chapters have to do with whether or not you write a summary?

I was gonna do a summary for each chapter but it's not asking me that it's asking for a plot

You know the elements of the plot, so I take your instructions as meaning this:

Chapter 1: List or tell about the main characters, the conflict, and any other parts of the plot in this chapter.

Chapter 2: List or tell about the main characters, the conflict, and any other parts of the plot in this chapter.

Chapter 3: List or tell about the main characters, the conflict, and any other parts of the plot in this chapter.

etc. ... for all 7 chapters.

Obviously not all the plot elements are included in each chapter, but you need to include what is there, chapter by chapter.

Yes, you are on the right track with identifying the different components of the plot. However, since "A Child Called It" is a memoir rather than a traditional novel, the plot may not follow the same structure as you listed (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution).

For a memoir, it's more common to look for key events or episodes in the author's life rather than trying to fit them into a specific plot structure. So, instead of using a traditional plot structure, focus on identifying the significant events, experiences, or challenges that the main character (in this case, the author, David Pelzer) goes through in each chapter.

To create your notes for each chapter, consider the following points:

1. Main Characters: Identify the main characters introduced in each chapter. For "A Child Called It," the main character will be David Pelzer himself, as the memoir is about his own experiences.

2. Conflict: Consider the conflicts or challenges David faces in each chapter. These can include his abusive mother, Dave's struggle for survival, his fight for hope, or his battles for love and understanding.

3. Chapter/Episode Summary: Instead of writing a full summary of each chapter since there are only seven, focus on writing a brief summary or description of the key events, experiences, or challenges faced by David in each chapter.

By including these points in your chapter notes, you'll have a solid foundation for understanding the main characters, key conflicts, and significant events in "A Child Called It." These notes will be helpful when the assignment is given at the start of the school year.