Write a two class application that has a one-dimensional array as a data member. The array stores temperatures for any given week. Provide constructors for instantiating the class and methods to return the highest temperature, lowest temperature, average temperature, and the average temperature excluding the lowest temperature. Provide a method that accepts as an argument a temperature and returns the number of days the temperatures were below that value. Override the ToString() method to return the temperature range for the given week. Write the second class to test your class.

To create a two-class application as described, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create the TemperatureTracker class

Create a new file called `TemperatureTracker.cs` and define a class named `TemperatureTracker`. This class will have a one-dimensional array as a data member to store the temperatures for a given week.

public class TemperatureTracker
private double[] temperatures;

public TemperatureTracker(double[] temperatures)
this.temperatures = temperatures;

public double GetHighestTemperature()
double maxTemp = temperatures[0];
for (int i = 1; i < temperatures.Length; i++)
if (temperatures[i] > maxTemp)
maxTemp = temperatures[i];
return maxTemp;

public double GetLowestTemperature()
double minTemp = temperatures[0];
for (int i = 1; i < temperatures.Length; i++)
if (temperatures[i] < minTemp)
minTemp = temperatures[i];
return minTemp;

public double GetAverageTemperature()
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < temperatures.Length; i++)
sum += temperatures[i];
return sum / temperatures.Length;

public double GetAverageTemperatureExcludingLowest()
double sum = 0;
double minTemp = GetLowestTemperature();
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < temperatures.Length; i++)
if (temperatures[i] != minTemp)
sum += temperatures[i];
return sum / count;

public int GetDaysBelowTemperature(double temperature)
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < temperatures.Length; i++)
if (temperatures[i] < temperature)
return count;

public override string ToString()
return $"Temperature range for the week: {GetLowestTemperature()} - {GetHighestTemperature()}";

In the `TemperatureTracker` class, we define a one-dimensional array `temperatures` to store the given week's temperatures. The constructor initializes this array. Each method then performs calculations on this array based on the requirements.

Step 2: Create the Tester class to test the TemperatureTracker class

Create a new file called `Tester.cs` and define a class named `Tester` with the `Main` method. This class will be used to test the `TemperatureTracker` class.

public class Tester
public static void Main(string[] args)
double[] weekTemperatures = { 25.5, 22.0, 26.5, 24.0, 23.5, 27.0, 25.5 };
TemperatureTracker tracker = new TemperatureTracker(weekTemperatures);

double highestTemp = tracker.GetHighestTemperature();
double lowestTemp = tracker.GetLowestTemperature();
double averageTemp = tracker.GetAverageTemperature();
double averageTempExcludingLowest = tracker.GetAverageTemperatureExcludingLowest();

Console.WriteLine($"Highest temperature: {highestTemp}");
Console.WriteLine($"Lowest temperature: {lowestTemp}");
Console.WriteLine($"Average temperature: {averageTemp}");
Console.WriteLine($"Average temperature (excluding lowest): {averageTempExcludingLowest}");

double tempToCheck = 24.0;
int daysBelowTemp = tracker.GetDaysBelowTemperature(tempToCheck);
Console.WriteLine($"Number of days below {tempToCheck}: {daysBelowTemp}");


In the `Tester` class, we create an instance of `TemperatureTracker` by passing in an array of temperatures for a given week. Then, we use various methods of `TemperatureTracker` to get the highest temperature, lowest temperature, average temperature, average temperature excluding the lowest temperature, and the number of days below a specific temperature. Finally, we print the results to the console.

Step 3: Run the application

Compile both `TemperatureTracker.cs` and `Tester.cs` files and run the application. You should see the desired output containing the calculated values based on the given temperatures for the week.

This two-class application demonstrates the usage of the `TemperatureTracker` class and its methods to provide temperature-related calculations.