Find a pair of integers with a product of -84 and a sum of 5?

To find a pair of integers that have a product of -84 and a sum of 5, you can start by listing all the possible pairs of integers whose product is -84. Then, you can check if any of these pairs have a sum of 5.

The positive factors of 84 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 14, 21, 28, 42, and 84. Since the product is negative, we need to consider the negative factors as well.

So, the possible pairs of integers whose product is -84 are:
(-1, 84)
(-2, 42)
(-3, 28)
(-4, 21)
(-6, 14)
(-7, 12)

Now, go through each pair and check if their sum is 5:
(-1 + 84 = 83) - The sum is not 5.
(-2 + 42 = 40) - The sum is not 5.
(-3 + 28 = 25) - The sum is not 5.
(-4 + 21 = 17) - The sum is not 5.
(-6 + 14 = 8) - The sum is not 5.
(-7 + 12 = 5) - The sum is 5.

Therefore, the pair of integers with a product of -84 and a sum of 5 is (-7, 12).

hint: 84 = 7*12