Unlike psychodynamic approaches to personality, the learning approach emphasizes:

A. latent personality structures.
B. self-actualization processes.
C. the outer person.
D. biological traits


To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the basic principles of the learning approach to personality. The learning approach is a perspective in psychology that focuses on how behavior is acquired and modified through the process of learning.

So the key here is to identify what the learning approach emphasizes in contrast to psychodynamic approaches. Psychodynamic approaches to personality, such as psychoanalysis, emphasize unconscious processes and inner personality structures, such as the id, ego, and superego.

Given this information, we can eliminate options A and C. The learning approach does not prioritize latent personality structures or the outer person.

Now we are left with options B and D. Option B, self-actualization processes, is more closely associated with humanistic approaches to personality, which focus on the inherent goodness and potential for growth in individuals.

Option D, biological traits, does not align with the key principles of the learning approach, which focuses on the role of environmental influences and conditioning in shaping behavior.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. The learning approach emphasizes self-actualization processes.