What is the electron pair geometry for NCL3?

I believe that's trigonal planar

To determine the electron pair geometry for NCl3, we need to first draw the Lewis structure for the molecule.

1. Start by determining the total number of valence electrons in NCl3. Nitrogen (N) is in Group 5 of the periodic table, so it has 5 valence electrons. Chlorine (Cl) is in Group 7, so each chlorine atom contributes 7 valence electrons. Since NCl3 has three chlorine atoms, the total number of valence electrons is 5 + (7 x 3) = 26.

2. Next, place the atoms in the structure, with nitrogen (N) in the center and the three chlorine (Cl) atoms surrounding it. Remember that the least electronegative atom is usually placed in the center.


3. Connect each atom with a single bond.


4. Distribute the remaining electrons around the atoms, giving octet (or duet for hydrogen) to each atom, and accounting for the total number of valence electrons.


5. If all the atoms have an octet (except hydrogen), but there are still remaining electrons, try to form multiple bonds to satisfy the octet rule. In the case of NCl3, nitrogen has 8 electrons around it, so there are no remaining electrons.

The Lewis structure for NCl3 is complete.

To determine the electron pair geometry, we consider both the bonding and non-bonding pairs of electrons around the central atom. In NCl3, nitrogen has 3 bonding pairs of electrons and no lone pairs.

Based on this, the electron pair geometry for NCl3 is trigonal pyramidal.