the notion that much behaviour is internal has been specifically championed by all of the following except?

can someone please help me

in the text it says ;

one of the major contribution of the Freudian approach to personality development has been the elaboration of many different defense mechanisms for the individual.Basically these are psychological ways in which the ego protects itself against negative emotional effects such as anger and anxiety.

one particularly influential approach to childrens behaviour has been the social learning approach.this emphasises that all behaviours has been learnt(conditioned)and that social contexts often work to trigger for the appearance of this behaviour.

these aspects make this approach ideal for studying childrens development/behaviour,in this condition ,means all aspects of what the child does including emotions,thoughts,attitudes and physiological responses.much behaviour is internal.this approach to personality is associated in psychology with such famous names as Pavlov,skinner,and further rivalto this approach is the trait or personality, amount approach,which uses to measure like questionnaires or checklists to determine the quantity of certain personality characteristics(e.g. aniety,hostily ,extroversion,ect.)in particular individuals

can anyone help me with this question

can someone please help

Of course! I can help you with that question.

To determine which of the given options has not championed the notion that much behavior is internal, we need to understand the perspectives of each individual.

a. Sigmund Freud:
Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis. He emphasized the importance of unconscious processes and believed that many behaviors and mental processes were driven by internal forces like instincts, desires, and unconscious thoughts. So, Freud did champion the notion that much behavior is internal.

b. Ivan Pavlov:
Ivan Pavlov was a Russian physiologist known for his famous conditioning experiments with dogs. He is associated with classical conditioning, which focuses on the role of external stimuli in shaping behavior. Unlike Freud, Pavlov's work mainly emphasizes the importance of the environment and external factors in influencing behavior. Therefore, Pavlov did not specifically champion the notion that much behavior is internal.

c. Albert Bandura:
Albert Bandura is a Canadian psychologist known for his social learning theory. Bandura proposed that behavior is influenced by a combination of internal processes (such as thoughts, beliefs, and motivations) and environmental factors. His theory highlights the interaction between internal cognitive processes and external influences, suggesting that he did champion the notion that much behavior is internal.

Based on this information, the individual who did not specifically champion the notion that much behavior is internal is b. Pavlov.