the personal approach to learning?

a,emphasizes that all behaviour is learned
b.uses measures like questionnaires
c.regards social context as the trigger of behaviour
d.determines the quality of certain personaliy characteristics
my answer is d

Is this really the title of your class? Aarrrgghhhh! I don't think adolescents are "problems."

How does your text define "personal approach to learning?"

one further rival to this approach is the trait or personality amout approach,which uses measures like questionnaires or checklists to determine the quantity of certain personality characteristics in particular individuals

I agree with your answer. :-)


You're welcome.

The personal approach to learning focuses on understanding how individuals acquire knowledge and skills based on their unique characteristics and experiences. It emphasizes that learning is influenced by various personal factors, such as personality traits, cognitive abilities, and motivation.

Let's explore each option to determine the correct answer together:

a. Emphasizes that all behavior is learned: This statement is aligned with behaviorism, which is a different theoretical approach to learning. It suggests that all behavior is acquired through conditioning, either through classical or operant conditioning. While behaviorism is an important perspective, it is not specific to the personal approach to learning.

b. Uses measures like questionnaires: While questionnaires can be a useful tool for gathering data in the field of psychology or education, it does not specifically define the personal approach to learning. Questionnaires may be utilized to assess various aspects of learning, but they are not unique to this approach.

c. Regards social context as the trigger of behavior: This answer is aligned with the social learning theory, which emphasizes that individuals learn by observing others and imitating their behavior. While the social context is indeed relevant in the personal approach to learning, it does not represent the core focus of this approach.

d. Determines the quality of certain personality characteristics: This is the correct answer. The personal approach to learning is concerned with how personal characteristics, such as temperament, personality traits, intelligence, and self-beliefs, influence an individual's learning process and outcomes. It acknowledges that individuals have unique qualities that can impact their approach to learning and their learning outcomes.

Therefore, option d is the correct answer – the personal approach to learning determines the quality of certain personality characteristics.