a famous quotation on child development attributed to the Jesuits most emphasizes the importance of?

a.early childhood experiences
b.adult supervision
c.role models
my answer is a

What was the quotation?

isn't it the Jesuits who say "give me a person intil he is five and I will change him for life?

that was the quotation

To find the famous quotation attributed to the Jesuits that emphasizes the importance of child development, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a search on the internet using relevant keywords such as "famous Jesuit quotation on child development."
2. Look for reliable sources that reference quotes by Jesuits related to this topic.
3. While searching, consider using variations of the keywords, such as "Jesuit quote on early childhood experiences" or "Jesuit saying on the significance of role models in child development."
4. Explore reputable websites, books, or articles that discuss the philosophy or teachings of the Jesuits, as they may often include famous quotations.
5. As you find potential quotes, cross-reference them using different sources to verify their authenticity and provide context.

Once you have identified the quotation attributed to the Jesuits, you can analyze it to determine which option (a, b, or c) it most emphasizes. Based on your conclusion, you can then answer the question accordingly.