What are the stories that go with each of the tools that Sanders discusses in his essay "Inheritance of Tools?"

I don't really understand what the question wants, so I started by saying the history of the hammer. What can I write about the other tools?!

I think you only need a sentence or two about each tool.

What does Sanders say about the handsaw, level, framing square, and try square?


To answer this question, you need to analyze Sanders' essay "Inheritance of Tools" and identify the stories associated with each tool mentioned in the essay. Here's how you can go about finding the stories that accompany each tool:

1. Read the essay: Begin by thoroughly reading Sanders' essay to understand his main ideas and the specific tools he mentions. Take note of any personal anecdotes or stories he shares related to each tool.

2. Identify the tools: In the essay, Sanders talks about various tools such as a hammer, screwdriver, saw, chisels, plane, and drill. For each tool, pay attention to any stories, memories, or reflections Sanders shares that reveal his personal connection or experiences with the tool.

3. Analyze the tool's significance: Consider the context in which Sanders discusses each tool. Reflect on why the tool is important to him and how it reflects broader themes in his essay such as craftsmanship, heritage, or the transmission of skills.

4. Note personal anecdotes: Look for any specific stories or experiences that Sanders shares related to each tool. This could include instances where he used the tool, events that occurred while using the tool, or the significance of the tool in Sanders' family history or his relationship with his father.

5. Summarize and connect: After analyzing each tool and the associated stories, summarize the main points and themes connected to them. Make connections between the stories and the broader message Sanders conveys in the essay about the inheritance of tools and the importance of manual labor.

By following these steps, you will be able to identify the stories that go with each tool discussed in Sanders' essay and have a better understanding of the essay as a whole.

In Sanders' essay "Inheritance of Tools," he uses various tools to symbolize his connection to his family and the stories that surround them. Here are the stories associated with each tool mentioned in the essay:

1. Hammer: In the essay, Sanders explains that his father's hammer represents his hardworking and practical nature. He recounts how his father used the hammer in his work as a carpenter, emphasizing the physical labor involved and the skill required to use the tool effectively. The hammer symbolizes the passing down of work ethic and craftsmanship from one generation to another.

2. Saw: Sanders also reflects on his grandfather's saw as a symbol of self-sufficiency and resourcefulness. The saw was a tool that his grandfather used to build his own house, showing his ability to create and provide for his family. It represents the spirit of independence and the value of self-reliance that has been instilled in Sanders through his family's experiences.

3. Level: The level, mentioned briefly in the essay, signifies precision and the pursuit of excellence. Sanders explains how his uncle used the level to ensure that the walls he built were perfectly straight and aligned. This tool represents the importance of attention to detail and the desire for perfection in one's work.

4. Wrench: While not extensively discussed in the essay, the wrench represents adaptability and problem-solving. Sanders mentions how his brother used the wrench to fix a malfunctioning tractor, highlighting the need for practical problem-solving skills in handling unforeseen challenges. The wrench symbolizes the ability to confront and overcome obstacles in pursuit of a goal.

Each tool has its own story and significance in Sanders' essay, highlighting the connection between his family's personal history, work ethic, and the importance of practical tools in their lives. By sharing these stories, Sanders aims to explore the deeper meaning behind the tools and the values they embody.