I have never been a good problem solver. I am not direct enough to be successful," the client complained. "You do not see yourself as a direct problem solver?" responded the therapist. This conversation is typical of _______________. 

A. dialectical therapy

B. ration-emotive therapy

C. group therapy

D. person-centered therapy
could it be D?


No, the correct answer is B. ration-emotive therapy. In this type of therapy, the therapist helps the client challenge and change irrational beliefs and thoughts that may be causing distress or preventing them from being an effective problem solver. The therapist's response in this conversation suggests an emphasis on exploring the client's belief system and helping them become more direct in their problem-solving approach.

To determine the answer, we can examine each option:

A. Dialectical therapy: Dialectical therapy focuses on resolving conflicts and finding balance between opposing perspectives. This conversation does not involve resolving conflicts or balancing opposing perspectives, so option A is not the correct answer.

B. Ration-emotive therapy: Rational-emotive therapy involves identifying and challenging irrational beliefs and thoughts. While the therapist is probing the client's beliefs, the conversation does not specifically focus on irrational thoughts. So, option B is not the correct answer.

C. Group therapy: Group therapy involves multiple individuals participating in therapeutic sessions. However, this conversation involves a one-on-one interaction between a client and a therapist, making option C unlikely to be the correct answer.

D. Person-centered therapy: Person-centered therapy emphasizes creating a supportive and non-judgmental environment to facilitate self-discovery and growth. This conversation aligns with the principles of person-centered therapy, as the therapist is exploring the client's perspective and seeking to understand their experience. Therefore, option D is the most suitable answer.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is D. person-centered therapy.