ED is making a scale drawing of a bridge on a shrrt of paper. The actual bridge is 200 feet long . To get the dimensions for the drawing, is ED multiplying by a number greater than 1 or a number less than 1 ? Explain

Less. Try examples of doing both, to lead you to your own explanation.

thank you

To determine whether ED needs to multiply by a number greater than 1 or a number less than 1 to create a scale drawing, we should understand the concept of scale.

A scale is a proportion that represents the relationship between the dimensions of the drawing and the actual object or structure it is representing. It enables us to reduce or enlarge the size of an object, maintaining the same proportions.

In this case, since the drawing is meant to represent a bridge that is 200 feet long, ED needs to create a proportionate representation of the entire bridge on a shorter piece of paper.

Since the bridge is longer than the paper, ED must make the drawing smaller than the actual size. This means that ED needs to multiply the dimensions by a number less than 1.

When creating a scale drawing, ED will determine the ratio between the length of the bridge and the length of the drawing. For example, if the scale is 1:10, it means that every 1 foot of the actual bridge will be represented as 1/10th of a foot on the paper.

By multiplying the dimensions by a number less than 1, ED will effectively reduce the size of the bridge on the paper while maintaining the proportions accurately.