A method in which children must see and touch objects in order to learn about them is called

A. concrete learning.
B. hand-eye coordination.
C. active learning.
D. self-teaching

My answer is A can some check my answer

a is correct


To check if your answer is correct, let's break down the options and the question:

The question asks for the name of the method in which children must see and touch objects in order to learn about them. Let's analyze the options provided:

A. Concrete Learning: This option refers to a learning style that involves using real, tangible objects to understand concepts and ideas. Concrete learning matches the description provided in the question, as it involves seeing and touching objects to learn about them.

B. Hand-eye coordination: This option refers to the ability to coordinate visual perception and bodily movements. Although hand-eye coordination is important for interacting with objects, it does not specifically focus on the act of seeing and touching objects for learning purposes.

C. Active Learning: This option refers to a learning approach in which students actively engage with the learning materials and participate in activities. While concrete learning can be considered a form of active learning, the term "active learning" is broader and encompasses various active engagement methods.

D. Self-teaching: This option refers to the process of learning independently and seeking knowledge without the direct guidance or instruction of a teacher or authority figure. While children can engage in seeing and touching objects on their own as a form of self-teaching, the option does not specifically highlight the aspect of learning through touch and observation.

Considering all the options and the given question, the most accurate answer is A. Concrete Learning. It aligns with the description provided and represents a method that emphasizes the importance of hands-on experiences with objects to facilitate learning.

Therefore, it appears that your answer is correct. Well done!