The separation of homologous chromosomes is called:

A. synapsis.
B. segregation.
C. mitosis.
D. fertilization.

is it C

2. In humans, the genes for blood type A and B show lack of dominance to one another and both dominate O. Two type O people would be able to have:
A. IO IA IB IAB type children.
B. only O type children.
C. IO IA type children.
D. only AB type children.

is it D

3. The sex of mammals is determined by:
A. the autosomes they receive.
B. the type of sex chromosomes received.
C. the number of recessive chromosomes received.
D. None of these answers is or may be a factor.

is it B

I saw the first question earlier. Mitosis is the process where cells divide and includes the doubling of chromosomal material, segregation, and the division of the cell to produce two identical cells. Therefore, the best answer choice to your first question is B. In order for an individual to be classified as having O type blood, the individual must inherit two recessive alleles for O blood type. If the individual has a parent that has the blood type A, and another parent that has blood type O, then that individual's blood type will be A, since the A allele is dominant; the same is true if one of the parents has blood type B and the other has blood type O. Therefore, if an individual has a parents that have blood type O, then the individual will also have blood type O, making B the best answer choice for your second question. You answered your third question correctly, in my opinion.

Bests and good luck.

1. The separation of homologous chromosomes is called segregation. To determine the answer to this question, you need to understand the basic concepts of genetics. Homologous chromosomes refer to the pairs of chromosomes that carry the same genes but may have different forms or alleles of those genes. During cell division, these homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles of the cell, ensuring that each resulting daughter cell has one copy of each chromosome. This process is known as segregation, so the correct answer to this question is B. segregation.

2. In humans, the genes for blood type A and B show lack of dominance to one another and both dominate O. Two type O people can have children with blood types A, B, or AB. To answer this question, you need to know about the inheritance patterns of blood types in humans. Blood type is determined by the presence or absence of certain antigens on the surface of red blood cells. The genes responsible for blood types are denoted as IA, IB, and i (the gene for type O). Both IA and IB are dominant over i, and IA and IB show lack of dominance to one another, resulting in type AB if both alleles are present. With two type O parents (ii), the only possible blood type their children can have is type O. Therefore, the correct answer is B. only O type children.

3. The sex of mammals is determined by the type of sex chromosomes received. To answer this question, you need to understand the genetic basis of sex determination in mammals. Mammals have two types of sex chromosomes, X and Y. Females have two X chromosomes (XX), while males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY). The presence or absence of the Y chromosome determines the development of male characteristics. Therefore, the correct answer is B. the type of sex chromosomes received.