Find the solution of


The answer is {1,4}


consider when x<2

then -(x-2)>8

consider when x>2
then x-2>8

Now, you must have an answer that is wrong.

To find the solution to the equation |x-2| > 8, we can break it down into two separate inequalities and solve each one individually.

First, let's consider the case when (x-2) is positive:

(x-2) > 8

To solve this inequality, we add 2 to both sides:

x > 10

Now, let's consider the case when (x-2) is negative:

-(x-2) > 8

To solve this inequality, we multiply both sides by -1, which reverses the inequality:

x - 2 < -8

Next, we add 2 to both sides:

x < -6

So, we have two separate inequalities:

x > 10 and x < -6

To find the solution that satisfies both inequalities, we look for the overlapping region on a number line. The solution lies between -6 and 10, including -6 but not including 10. In interval notation, this can be represented as (-6, 10).

However, in the question, it states that the answer is {1,4}. That means there might have been some misunderstanding or error in the problem statement or answer provided. Please double-check the given problem and answer to ensure accuracy.