asking questions and drawing conclusions will dowhich of the following:

a-help you stay alert
b-engage you in active listening
c-help you remember information
d-all of the above

I'll be glad to check your answer.

The correct answer is d - all of the above.

Asking questions and drawing conclusions can have several benefits, including helping you stay alert, engaging you in active listening, and enhancing your ability to remember information. Here's how each option contributes to these benefits:

a) Helps you stay alert: When you actively ask questions and draw conclusions, you are actively thinking and processing information. This mental engagement helps keep your mind focused and alert, preventing your thoughts from wandering and ensuring that you actively participate in the conversation or learning process.

b) Engages you in active listening: Active listening involves fully focusing on and comprehending what others are saying. Asking questions and drawing conclusions demonstrate your engagement and understanding of the subject matter. This can encourage others to provide more information and actively involve you in the conversation, promoting active listening and understanding.

c) Helps you remember information: When you ask questions and draw conclusions, you are actively seeking clarification and connecting dots. This process of critically thinking about the information helps enhance your understanding and retention of the material. By actively processing and making connections, you form stronger memory pathways, which can help you remember and recall the information more effectively in the future.

Therefore, all of these benefits apply when you ask questions and draw conclusions, making option d - all of the above - the correct answer.