1). After the assignment statement

result = isspace('\t');
result has the value ________.

2). The data type of
is ________.

3). What will be output given the following information:

float * pointer;
float pay = 3.75;
pointer = &pay;
cout << &pointer;

A. 3.75
B. the address of pay
C. the address of pointer
D. an error
E. none of the above

4). Every function that begins with a data type in the heading, rather than the word void, must have a(n) ________ statement somewhere, usually at the end, in its body of instructions.

What are your thoughts?

1) The value is (int)1 or (bool)True

3) islower corresponds with CHAR

3 B. the address of pay

1). After the assignment statement

result = isspace('\t');
result has the value ________.

To get the value of the variable "result" after the assignment statement, you would need to understand the behavior of the function "isspace" in the C++ programming language. The isspace function is used to check whether a given character is whitespace. It returns a non-zero value if the character is whitespace, and zero otherwise.

In this case, the argument passed to isspace is the escape sequence '\t', which represents a horizontal tab character. Since a horizontal tab character is considered whitespace, the function will return a non-zero value. Therefore, the value of the variable "result" would be non-zero.

2). The data type of
is ________.

To determine the data type of the expression islower('g'), you would need to understand the return type of the islower function in C++. The islower function is used to check whether a given character is a lowercase letter. It returns an integer value, typically zero (false) or non-zero (true).

In this case, the argument passed to islower is the character 'g'. Since 'g' is a lowercase letter, the function will return a non-zero value. Therefore, the data type of the expression islower('g') is an integer.

3). What will be the output given the following information:

float * pointer;
float pay = 3.75;
pointer = &pay;
cout << &pointer;

To determine the output of the code snippet, you would need to understand the behavior of the "cout" statement and the effect of the ampersand operator (&) in C++.

The "cout" statement is used to output data to the console. By default, when you output a pointer variable using the "cout" statement, it will display the memory address that the pointer holds.

In this case, the pointer variable "pointer" is assigned the memory address of the "pay" variable using the ampersand operator (&). Therefore, when the line "cout << &pointer;" is executed, it will output the memory address of the "pointer" variable rather than the value it points to.

So, the answer would be C. The output will be the address of the "pointer" variable.

4). Every function that begins with a data type in the heading, rather than the word void, must have a(n) ________ statement somewhere, usually at the end, in its body of instructions.

To find the missing word in the statement, you would need to understand the structure of a function declaration and definition in C++.

A function declaration in C++ typically consists of a return type, name, and parameters (if any). Functions that have a return type other than "void" are expected to return a value of that type. Therefore, every function that begins with a data type in the heading should have a return statement somewhere in its body of instructions to provide the value of that type.

So, the missing word is "return" statement. Every function that begins with a data type in the heading must have a return statement somewhere, usually at the end, in its body of instructions.