The formula y=square root 64h can be used to find the velocity v in feet per second of an object that has fallen h feet. Find the velocity of an object that has fallen 25 feet. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

y=√(64*25)=√(40²)=40 f.p.s.

126.56 feet

To find the velocity of an object that has fallen 25 feet, we can use the formula y = √(64h), where y represents the velocity in feet per second and h represents the distance fallen in feet.

Substituting h = 25 into the formula, we get:
y = √(64 * 25)

First, we can calculate the value within the square root (√):
64 * 25 = 1600

So, the formula simplifies to:
y = √1600

Now, we can find the square root of 1600:
y = 40

Therefore, the velocity of an object that has fallen 25 feet is 40 feet per second.