Return 2005 Return 2006 Return 2007

I have a data table with returns for 3 different years. I want to use a filter that only includes records where the return is increasing each year(i.e.: 2005<2006<2007)

I"m stuck please help.

To filter the data table and only include records where the return is increasing each year, you can use a combination of logical operators and comparison statements.

Here's an example of how you can achieve this in a programming language like Python:

1. Start by writing a loop to iterate through each row of the data table. Let's assume you have the data table stored as a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a row and the keys correspond to the column names.

2. Create a variable, let's say "valid_rows", to store the rows that satisfy the condition of increasing returns.

3. In each iteration, compare the returns of consecutive years to check if they are increasing. You can access the returns of each year by using the corresponding column names in your data table.

For example, assuming the column names in your data table are "Return 2005", "Return 2006", and "Return 2007", you can compare these values for each row using the following comparison statement:

if row["Return 2005"] < row["Return 2006"] < row["Return 2007"]:

This condition checks if the return in 2005 is less than the return in 2006, and if the return in 2006 is less than the return in 2007. If this condition is true, it means the returns are increasing, and you can add the current row to the "valid_rows" list.

4. After the loop finishes iterating through all the rows, the "valid_rows" list will contain only the rows where the returns are increasing each year.

Now, you can use the "valid_rows" list for further analysis or display the filtered data.

Keep in mind that the exact implementation may vary depending on the programming language and data structure you are using. The above steps provide a general outline to guide you in filtering the data table based on increasing returns.