Number of dinners = 125

Individual portion = 8 oz.

Size of can = 32 oz.

Number of cans required =

I got 31.25 buttt you can't have 31.25 cans lol !

You're right -- 31.25 cans are required. You'll need 32 cans which will leave you with 3/4 can left over.

Never mind I worked this out myself

:0 :0 ;0 :p

To find the number of cans required, you can use mathematical rounding to determine the closest whole number. Here's the step-by-step process:

1. Calculate the total amount of food needed for all the dinners by multiplying the number of dinners by the individual portion size:

Total food needed = Number of dinners × Individual portion size
= 125 × 8 oz.
= 1000 oz.

2. Divide the total food needed by the size of each can to determine the number of cans required:

Number of cans required = Total food needed ÷ Size of can
= 1000 oz. ÷ 32 oz.
≈ 31.25

3. Since you cannot have a fraction of a can, you'll need to round the result. In this case, you have two rounding options:
a) Rounding down: This would mean you would have 31 cans, but you would not have enough food.
b) Rounding up: This means you would have enough food and would require an additional can.

So, the number of cans required would be 32, rounding up to the nearest whole number.