A reflex, like automatically removing your hand from a hot stove, involves pain message sent to the spinal cord by___neurons, while the movement of your hands is controlled by____ neurons. A. somatic ;sensory B. sensory; motor C. motor; sensory D. somatic; sympathetic

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the roles of different types of neurons involved in a reflex action.

A reflex action, such as removing your hand from a hot stove, involves a rapid response without conscious thought. It is an automatic and protective response to avoid harm or potential injury.

In this scenario, the pain message that is transmitted from your hand to the spinal cord is carried by sensory neurons. Sensory neurons are specialized to detect stimuli, such as touch or pain, and transmit the information towards the central nervous system (in this case, the spinal cord).

On the other hand, the movement of your hand is controlled by motor neurons. Motor neurons transmit nerve signals from the central nervous system (spinal cord or brain) to the muscles, causing them to contract or relax, which results in movement.

With this understanding, we can conclude that the correct answer is B. sensory; motor. Sensory neurons carry the pain message from the hand to the spinal cord, and motor neurons control the movement of the hand in response to the pain stimulus.