An example of an exceptional child is one who

has characteristics that are unusual.

An exceptional child might be very intelligent, a musical genius, physically handicapped, mentally challenged, developmentally delayed, a precocious artist, a gifted story teller, etc.

An exceptional child refers to a child who possesses unique qualities or abilities that set them apart from their peers. These children often do not fit into the traditional definition of normal development or behavior. An example of an exceptional child is one who:

1. Demonstrates exceptional intelligence: These children may possess high levels of intellectual ability, such as having a high IQ or showing advanced problem-solving skills. They may excel academically and have a remarkable capacity to learn and understand complex concepts.

2. Displays exceptional creativity: Some exceptional children possess extraordinary levels of creativity and artistic talent. They may excel in areas such as music, painting, writing, or acting, showcasing their unique imagination and originality.

3. Exhibits exceptional talents or skills: Exceptional children may possess remarkable abilities in specific areas, such as athletics, mathematics, or language learning. They may demonstrate exceptional proficiency and excel beyond their peers in these particular domains.

4. Shows exceptional empathy or compassion: Some exceptional children exhibit exceptional emotional intelligence, showing a high level of empathy, understanding, and compassion towards others. They may possess a strong sense of social justice and actively engage in helping and supporting others.

5. Demonstrates exceptional resilience or perseverance: Some exceptional children may face significant challenges in their lives, such as disabilities or adverse circumstances. However, they display exceptional resilience and perseverance, overcoming obstacles, and achieving success despite these difficulties.

To identify an exceptional child, it is essential to have a comprehensive assessment that includes observations, interviews, and standardized tests conducted by professionals such as psychologists, educators, and medical experts. This evaluation helps in identifying exceptionalities and providing appropriate support or interventions to nurture and develop their unique talents or abilities.