Expectation plays an important role in:

A. cognitive approaches to motivation.
B. drive-reduction approaches to motivation.
C. incentive approaches to motivation.
D. arousal approaches to motivation.


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To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the role of expectation in different approaches to motivation.

In cognitive approaches to motivation (Option A), expectation is indeed an important factor. Cognitive approaches focus on how our thoughts, beliefs, and expectations influence our behavior. Expectations play a central role in motivating behavior because our expectations about the outcomes of our actions can influence how motivated we are to pursue a goal.

In drive-reduction approaches to motivation (Option B), the primary focus is on reducing psychological or physiological states of tension or arousal. While expectation may play a role in determining the specific behaviors needed to satisfy a particular drive, it is not the central concept in this approach.

In incentive approaches to motivation (Option C), the emphasis is on rewards and benefits that motivate behavior. Expectation is crucial in this approach since individuals' expected rewards and anticipated outcomes strongly influence their motivation to engage in certain behaviors.

In arousal approaches to motivation (Option D), the focus is on the relation between behavioral arousal and motivation. Expectation does not play a prominent role in this approach, as it primarily deals with the relationship between arousal levels and motivation, rather than expectations about outcomes.

Based on the explanations above, the correct answer is Option C, incentive approaches to motivation. Expectation is a vital component in incentive approaches, as it influences individuals' motivation to engage in certain behaviors based on the anticipated rewards and benefits they expect to receive.