5. Evaluation apprehension is related to social facilitation in the same way that _________ is related to the Ringlemann effect.

A. social loafing
B. proximity
C. effort loss
D. diffusion




If you read your book, you can fix it.

Since you posted a bunch of these questions last night, it looks like you're answer grazing.

a is wrong


I apologize for the incorrect answer. Let's go through each option and see why option D, diffusion, is not the correct answer.

Evaluation apprehension is a concept that refers to the concern or anxiety individuals feel when they believe they are being evaluated by others. It suggests that people may perform differently in the presence of others due to the fear of being judged. On the other hand, social facilitation is the phenomenon where individuals tend to perform better on simple or well-learned tasks when they are in the presence of others. The presence of an audience or observers increases arousal and enhances dominant or well-learned responses.

Now, let's examine the other options:

A. Social loafing is the phenomenon where individuals exert less effort when working in a group compared to when working individually. This concept is not directly related to evaluation apprehension or social facilitation, so it is not the correct answer.

B. Proximity refers to the physical or psychological closeness between individuals. While proximity may influence social interaction, it is not directly related to evaluation apprehension or social facilitation.

C. Effort loss is not directly related to evaluation apprehension or social facilitation. It may be related to factors such as individual motivation, task difficulty, or lacking necessary resources.

Based on the explanations above, the correct answer is A. Evaluation apprehension is related to social facilitation in the same way that social loafing is related to the Ringlemann effect. The Ringlemann effect refers to the phenomenon where people tend to exert less effort in a group task compared to when they are working individually. Similarly, evaluation apprehension and social facilitation involve the influence of others on individual performance, although they have opposite effects.

D is not the right answer. I would say A is the correct answer.