Determine the digits of Y from these clues.

The digits of Y add to 18.

The first digit is 3 times the third digit.

The second digit is 2 times the third digit.

Y is a three digit number.

_ _ _

First: 9, 6, or 3
Third: 3, 2, or 1
Second: 6, 4, or 2

Which combination adds up to 18?

The correct answer is: 963


To determine the digits of Y, let's go step by step using the given clues.

1. The digits of Y add to 18.

Since Y is a three-digit number, it can be represented as ABC, where A is the first digit, B is the second digit, and C is the third digit.

According to the clue, A + B + C = 18.

2. The first digit is 3 times the third digit.

This means A = 3C.

3. The second digit is 2 times the third digit.

This means B = 2C.

Now, we have three equations:
A + B + C = 18 (Equation 1)
A = 3C (Equation 2)
B = 2C (Equation 3)

Let's substitute the values of A and B from Equations 2 and 3 into Equation 1.

3C + 2C + C = 18

Combining like terms,

6C = 18

Dividing both sides of the equation by 6,

C = 3

Now that we know C is 3, we can substitute this value back into Equations 2 and 3 to find the values of A and B.

A = 3C = 3(3) = 9

B = 2C = 2(3) = 6

Therefore, the digits of Y are 9, 6, and 3.