γ is a permutation on eight elements, though you are not told which permutation it is. If γ is applied to an 8-element set, what is the minimum number of additional timeswe must apply γ to the resulting set in order to guarantee the set is back in its original configuration when we stop?

Each permutation can be decomposed in terms of cyclical permutations. The GCM of the cycle lengths is the number of times you need to apply the permutation to get the same result back. This number is, of course, different for each permutation, so we need to find the LCM of these numbers taken over all the permutations.

This is then a LCM of a set of LCM of cycle lengths, so we can just consider all possible cycle lengths and take the LCM of these. This is clearly the product of all the prime numbers smaller or equal to 8, which is 2*3*5*7 = 210, so the least number of times you need to apply the permutation to be guaranteed that you to get the original configuration is 209.


but 209 is incorrect

To determine the minimum number of additional times γ must be applied to guarantee the set is back in its original configuration, we need to find the order of the permutation γ.

The order of a permutation is the smallest positive integer k such that γ to the power of k is equal to the identity permutation (the permutation which does nothing). In other words, applying the permutation γ k times will always result in the set returning to its original configuration.

To find the order of γ, we can apply γ repeatedly until we obtain the identity permutation. Each time γ is applied, we count the number of applications until we reach the identity permutation. The minimum number of additional times γ must be applied is the order of γ.

Let's go step by step to illustrate the process:

1. Start with the initial permutation γ0. Apply γ once: γ1 = γ o γ0.
2. Check if γ1 is equal to γ0. If not, apply γ again: γ2 = γ o γ1.
3. Continue this process until we reach the identity permutation or until γk equals γ0.

The number of additional times γ must be applied is equal to the value of k.

Note: Depending on the specific permutation γ, the number of additional times γ must be applied to return to the original configuration may vary.