Sam's sister lives 100 miles away. Sam drove 50 mph for 1/2 hr toward his sister's house. How much farther must Sam travel to reach her house?

Distance driven = 50 mph * (1/2) hour

= 25 miles

Distance to go = 100-25=75 miles.

To find out how much farther Sam must travel to reach his sister's house, we need to calculate the distance he covered in the first half an hour of driving.

Distance covered = Speed * Time

Given: Sam drove at a speed of 50 mph for 1/2 hour.

Distance covered = 50 mph * 1/2 hour = 25 miles.

Since Sam's sister lives 100 miles away and Sam has already covered 25 miles, we can subtract the distance already covered from the total distance to find out how much farther Sam must travel.

Distance remaining = Total distance - Distance covered

Distance remaining = 100 miles - 25 miles = 75 miles.

Therefore, Sam must travel 75 more miles to reach his sister's house.