Calculate the average size of the microbes in Saccharomyces ?

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To calculate the average size of the microbes in Saccharomyces, you would typically need a dataset that includes the sizes of individual microbes in Saccharomyces. Without this specific dataset, I can explain the general process of determining an average:

1. Gather the necessary data: Obtain a dataset that includes measurements of the sizes of individual microbes in Saccharomyces. This data can be obtained through scientific studies or experiments.

2. Sum the sizes: Add up all the sizes of the individual microbes in the dataset to calculate the total size.

3. Determine the number of microbes: Count the number of microbes in the dataset.

4. Calculate the average: Divide the total size by the number of microbes to obtain the average size.

Without access to a specific dataset on the sizes of Saccharomyces microbes, it is not possible to provide an accurate calculation of the average size.