I have been standing for almost 2,500 years on a hill called the acropolis. The people of Greece built me to honor the goddess of Athena


so cool!!!!!!!!!!

You are referring to the iconic monument known as the Parthenon, which is located on the Acropolis hill in Athens, Greece. The Parthenon was indeed built by the ancient Greeks as a symbol of honor and dedication to the goddess Athena.

To determine the age of the Parthenon or any historical structure, it is important to rely on the knowledge and study of historians, archaeologists, and experts in the field. However, since you mentioned standing for almost 2,500 years, it indicates that you are aware of the approximate age of the Parthenon.

Historically, construction of the Parthenon began around 447 BC and was completed in 432 BC, during the ancient Greek Classical period. This means that the Parthenon has been standing for roughly 2,450 years.

The information about the Parthenon's construction and history can be found by studying ancient Greek history, examining architectural records, artifacts, inscriptions, and through archaeological excavations. Numerous books, scholarly articles, and online resources can provide further details on the construction, purpose, and significance of the Parthenon in Greek history and culture.

Athena Parthenos

Athena Parthenos