
1. (1.2z)(-4+2y)

2. (-2e - 3f +4)(-e)

3. (7v)(-7v-7x)

4. (-4x) (-7+3y)

5. (b)(-0.1a + 8b-0.7c)

please help me, I have done these questions but im pretty sure my answers are wrong, so can someone do these or help me so i can understand how to do this, thanks :)

1. (1.2z)(-4+2y)

(1.2z)(-4) + (1.2z)(2y)

= -4.8z + 2.4yz

2. (-2e - 3f +4)(-e)

(-2e)(-e) -3f(-e) +4(-e)

= 2e^2 + 3ef -4e

3. (7v)(-7v-7x)

7v(-7v) -7x(7v)

= -49v^2 -49xv

4. (-4x)(-7+3y)

(-4x)(-7) + 3y (-4x)

= 28x - 12xy

5. (b) (-0.1a + 8b -0.7c)

(b) (-0.1a) +8b(b) -0.7c(b)

= -0.1ab + 8b^2 - 0.7bc

Sure! I can help you with these multiplication problems step by step. Let's go through each one:

1. (1.2z)(-4+2y)
To solve this, we need to distribute the 1.2z to both terms inside the parentheses:
(1.2z)(-4) + (1.2z)(2y)

Multiply each term separately:
-4(1.2z) + 2y(1.2z)

Simplify each term:
-4.8z + 2.4yz

2. (-2e - 3f +4)(-e)
Again, we need to distribute the given term (-e) to every term inside the parentheses:
(-2e)(-e) + (-3f)(-e) + (4)(-e)

Multiply each term separately:
2e^2 + 3fe - 4e

3. (7v)(-7v-7x)
Distribute the term (7v) to every term inside the parentheses:
(7v)(-7v) + (7v)(-7x)

Multiply each term separately:
-49v^2 - 49vx

4. (-4x) (-7+3y)
Distribute the term (-4x) to every term inside the parentheses:
(-4x)(-7) + (-4x)(3y)

Multiply each term separately:
28x - 12xy

5. (b)(-0.1a + 8b - 0.7c)
Distribute the term (b) to every term inside the parentheses:
(b)(-0.1a) + (b)(8b) + (b)(-0.7c)

Multiply each term separately:
-0.1ab + 8b^2 - 0.7bc

These are the expanded forms of the given multiplication problems. I hope this helps you understand how to solve them!

Sure! I'll guide you step by step on how to approach each multiplication problem. Let's solve each question together:

1. (1.2z)(-4+2y)
To simplify this expression, we will use the distributive property of multiplication. Multiply each term within the parentheses by 1.2z:
(1.2z)(-4) + (1.2z)(2y)
-4.8z + 2.4zy

2. (-2e - 3f +4)(-e)
Again, we will use the distributive property to multiply each term inside the parentheses by -e:
(-2e)(-e) + (-3f)(-e) + (4)(-e)
2e^2 + 3ef - 4e

3. (7v)(-7v - 7x)
Once again, apply the distributive property to each term:
(7v)(-7v) + (7v)(-7x)
-49v^2 - 49vx

4. (-4x)(-7+3y)
Apply the distributive property to each term:
(-4x)(-7) + (-4x)(3y)
28x - 12xy

5. (b)(-0.1a + 8b - 0.7c)
Distribute b to each term in parentheses:
(b)(-0.1a) + (b)(8b) + (b)(-0.7c)
-0.1ab + 8b^2 - 0.7bc

These are the simplified expressions for each multiplication problem. I hope this helps you understand how to approach and solve these types of multiplication questions. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!