there are 100 questions on a quiz after taking the test I can only manage 66 % I have heard many students complain they can't get more the 69% after the test we don't receive the test results that show our right or wrong answer so now we dont' know what we need to study. How is this approach helping us to learn?

It isn't.

I think you need to contact whoever is in charge and lay this all out for him/her. Then, if you are paying for this class and feel you're learning nothing, you need to insist on getting your money back.

Is this some kind of online class?


The approach you described, where students do not receive test results or feedback on their answers, can indeed be challenging when it comes to learning. Here are the steps you can take to address this issue:

1. Calculate how many questions you answered correctly: Since you scored 66%, you can multiply it by the total number of questions (100) to find out how many questions you got right: 66% * 100 = 66 questions.

2. Determine what area you need to focus on: Without knowing which specific questions you answered incorrectly, it can be difficult to identify which topics or concepts you need to study further. However, you can analyze your performance to get a general sense of where you might need improvement. For example, if you struggled with multiple-choice questions or certain types of questions, you could focus on improving your understanding of those types.

3. Seek resources for additional study: Since you don't have access to the specific test questions, it would be helpful to find alternative resources for studying. Look for textbooks, online tutorials, or practice quizzes related to the subjects covered in the test. These resources can provide you with additional opportunities to practice and reinforce your knowledge.

4. Collaborate with classmates: Discuss the test material with your classmates. Share your experiences, areas of difficulty, and study strategies with each other. Sometimes, others may have a different perspective or approach to understanding certain topics that can benefit your learning.

5. Seek guidance from your instructor: If possible, reach out to your instructor to discuss your concerns regarding the lack of test feedback. Explain your desire to learn from your mistakes and ask if there are any alternative ways to get feedback or clarification on the test content. Your instructor may be able to provide additional resources or guidance.

Remember, while the current approach may present challenges, it is important to take the initiative to seek out learning opportunities and resources to overcome these obstacles.

The approach of not providing test results showing right or wrong answers can be seen as a potential drawback to the learning process. However, it is important to understand the rationale behind this approach.

One possible reason for not providing the test results immediately could be to avoid discouraging students by focusing solely on their mistakes. In some cases, receiving immediate feedback on our mistakes may lead to frustration and a negative mindset towards learning. By not revealing the specific right or wrong answers, it allows students to reflect on their performance and consider areas for improvement without being discouraged by their mistakes.

However, it is important to note that this approach might not be suitable for everyone. Some students may find it beneficial to receive immediate feedback to understand their mistakes and make necessary adjustments in their study habits.

To overcome this challenge and still learn from the quiz, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Reflect on your performance: Think about the questions you struggled with and try to identify the areas where you need improvement. Focus on understanding the concepts rather than just memorizing answers.

2. Seek additional resources: Utilize textbooks, online resources, or consult with your teacher or classmates to clarify any confusing topics or concepts.

3. Practice more: Take time to revise the material and attempt practice questions related to the topics covered in the quiz. This will help reinforce your understanding and improve your proficiency.

4. Study strategically: Identify the topics or types of questions that caused you the most difficulty and allocate more time to study those areas. Prioritize your time and effort based on the areas that need the most improvement.

5. Take advantage of instructor or peer feedback: Seek input from your teacher or classmates regarding potential areas of weakness and seek advice on study strategies or resources that might be helpful.

While not receiving immediate test results might seem challenging, it is essential to approach this situation as an opportunity for self-reflection, improvement, and independent learning. Ultimately, the learning process itself is more important than just achieving a high score on a single quiz.