1. Natureland Garden Center buys lawn mowers that list for $679.95 less a 30% trade discount. What is the dollar amount of the trade discount?

679.95 * 0.3 = ?

List price*trade discount=trade discount amount

$679.95 * .30 = $203.99

subtract discount amount from original amount to get the net price of the lawn mowers
679.95 - 203.985 = $475.96

To find the dollar amount of the trade discount, we need to calculate 30% of the list price of the lawn mower.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100: 30/100 = 0.3

Step 2: Multiply the list price by the decimal equivalent of the discount rate: $679.95 * 0.3 = $203.985

Step 3 (optional): Round the result to the nearest decimal place, if desired. In this case, the dollar amount of the trade discount would be approximately $204.