How do you draw N,N-dimethylheptanamine?

The N,N part is confusing me most.

And how would you know something was a cyclic hydrocarbon when given something like CH3CH2COOH? (I know that one isn't a cyclic hydrocarbon but I mean like when you get questions saying "name the organic compound" and they give stuff like CH3CH2COOH and CH3CONH2, how do you know whether it's cyclic?)

The N,N means that EACH methyl group (it's dimethyl) is attached to the N of the amine. We can draw these things on this forum but I'll try my best here.


To draw N,N-dimethylheptanamine, let's break down the name and understand its structure step by step:

1. Start with the basic structure:
- The root of the compound is "heptan," which indicates a seven-carbon (C7) chain.

2. Add the amino group:
- "Amine" indicates the presence of an amino group (-NH2) attached to one end of the carbon chain.
- For N,N-dimethylheptanamine, we have two methyl (-CH3) groups attached to the amino group.

3. Understanding the N,N notation:
- In the name N,N-dimethylheptanamine, the "N" indicates that the methyl groups are attached to the nitrogen (N) atom of the amino group.
- The "N" notation is used to distinguish the attachment of the substituents on different nitrogen atoms in a molecule.

4. Assembling the structure:
- Draw a straight line representing the carbon chain with seven connected carbon atoms.
- Attach the amino group (-NH2) to one end of the chain.
- Then, attach two methyl groups (-CH3) to the nitrogen (N) atom of the amino group.
- The resulting structure should have the amino group and methyl groups coming off one end of the carbon chain.

Here's a visual representation:

| |
N - C - C - C - C - C - C - C - H

Note that the structure can be drawn differently in terms of the orientation of the carbon chain, but the basic elements (C7 chain, N atom, and two methyl groups) should be present.