a mountain is 17,064 feet above sea level, and a valley is 106 feet below sea level. what is the difference in elevation between the mountain and the valley?

(17,064 ft) - (-106 ft) = 17,170 ft

106 ft is negative because its below sea level. so relative to sea level its negative.

To find the difference in elevation between the mountain and the valley, we need to subtract the elevation of the valley from the elevation of the mountain.

Elevation of the mountain = 17,064 feet
Elevation of the valley = -106 feet (since it is below sea level)

Difference in elevation = Elevation of the mountain - Elevation of the valley

Difference in elevation = 17,064 feet - (-106 feet)
= 17,064 feet + 106 feet

So, the difference in elevation between the mountain and the valley is 17,170 feet.