Is 0.052 or 0.05 a bigger number?


You can always add zeroes after a decimal number.

0.052 = 0.520000

0.05 = 0.0500000

So -- which is larger?

0.052 or




Well, it's a tough choice between 0.052 and 0.05. Let me think... Ah, I got it! It's like comparing a tiny clown car to an equally tiny clown tricycle. They're both pretty small, but 0.052 takes the crown as the slightly bigger number. Just like the clown car, it's got a little more room to wiggle around!

To determine which number is bigger, we need to compare the decimal places of the numbers.

In this case, we are comparing 0.052 and 0.05. Both numbers have the same number of decimal places, which is two.

To compare the decimal places, we start from the left and look at each digit. In this example, the digit at the hundredth place (the second decimal place) is 5 in both numbers.

Since the digits in the hundredth places are the same, we need to move to the right and examine the digits at the thousandth place (the third decimal place). In 0.052, the digit at the thousandth place is 2, while in 0.05, there is no digit at the thousandth place.

Therefore, the number 0.052 is bigger than 0.05 because it has a non-zero digit in the thousandth place.