b. Write a well-commented C++ program that reads data from the input file employee.txt. Each input line consists of last name, first name, base salary, total sales, and number of years of service.

Store the output in the file employees_payCheck.txt. Format your output to have two decimal places.

A sample output written to the output file employees_payCheck.txt is as follows:
Name: Andrew Thomas
Base Amount: ............. $ 2787.87
Bonus: ................... $ 2097.72
Gross Salary: ............ $ 4885.60
Federal Tax: ............. $ 574.06
Provincial Tax: .......... $ 251.61
CPP: ..................... $ 85.50
EI: ...................... $ 41.53
RRSP: .................... $ 363.98
Health Insurance: ........ $ 67.00
Net Pay: ................. $ 3501.93

You have to submit the output file employees_payCheck.txt along with your code (.cpp file) for this question.

Display the results on screen. Format your output to have two decimal places.
A sample output is as follows:

Name Base Salary Bonus Gross Salary Net Pay

Andrew Thomas $ 4885.60 $ 2097.72 $ 4885.60 $ 3501.93

Omar Taha $ $ $ $

Alice Smith $ $ $ $

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Can you show us your pseudocode?

To write a well-commented C++ program to read data from the input file "employee.txt" and generate the output in the file "employees_payCheck.txt", you can follow the steps below:

1. Open both the input and output files using the `ifstream` and `ofstream` classes respectively.
2. If either file fails to open, display an error message and exit the program.
3. Read each line from the input file using a loop until the end of the file is reached.
4. Split each line into individual fields - last name, first name, base salary, total sales, and years of service. You can use the `std::stringstream` to split the line.
5. Perform necessary calculations to determine the base amount, bonus, gross salary, federal tax, provincial tax, CPP, EI, RRSP, and health insurance.
6. Calculate the net pay by subtracting the total deductions from the gross salary.
7. Write the formatted output to both the output file and the screen using the `ofstream` and `cout` respectively.
8. Close both the input and output files.

Here's an example C++ program that implements the above steps:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main() {
ifstream inputFile("employee.txt");
ofstream outputFile("employees_payCheck.txt");

if (!inputFile.is_open() || !outputFile.is_open()) {
cout << "Error opening files!" << endl;
return 1; // Exit program with error code 1

outputFile << fixed << setprecision(2);
cout << "Name\t\t\tBase Salary\tBonus\t\tGross Salary\t\tNet Pay" << endl;

string line;
while (getline(inputFile, line)) {
string lastName, firstName;
double baseSalary, baseAmount, totalSales, yearsOfService;
double bonus, grossSalary, federalTax, provincialTax;
double cpp, ei, rrsp, healthInsurance, netPay;

istringstream iss(line);
iss >> lastName >> firstName >> baseSalary >> totalSales >> yearsOfService;

// Perform necessary calculations
baseAmount = baseSalary;
bonus = totalSales * 0.15;
grossSalary = baseAmount + bonus;
federalTax = grossSalary * 0.15;
provincialTax = grossSalary * 0.10;
cpp = grossSalary * 0.05;
ei = grossSalary * 0.03;
rrsp = grossSalary * 0.08;
healthInsurance = 67.00;
netPay = grossSalary - (federalTax + provincialTax + cpp + ei + rrsp + healthInsurance);

// Write formatted output to output file and screen
outputFile << "Name: " << firstName << " " << lastName << endl;
outputFile << "Base Amount: ............. $" << baseAmount << endl;
outputFile << "Bonus: ................... $" << bonus << endl;
outputFile << "Gross Salary: ............ $" << grossSalary << endl;
outputFile << "Federal Tax: ............. $" << federalTax << endl;
outputFile << "Provincial Tax: .......... $" << provincialTax << endl;
outputFile << "CPP: ..................... $" << cpp << endl;
outputFile << "EI: ...................... $" << ei << endl;
outputFile << "RRSP: .................... $" << rrsp << endl;
outputFile << "Health Insurance: ........ $" << healthInsurance << endl;
outputFile << "Net Pay: ................. $" << netPay << endl;
outputFile << endl;

cout << firstName << " " << lastName << "\t\t$" << baseAmount << "\t\t$" << bonus << "\t\t$" << grossSalary << "\t\t$" << netPay << endl;


return 0;

Make sure to save the program with a `.cpp` file extension, e.g., `main.cpp`. Then, compile and run the program using a C++ compiler:

g++ main.cpp -o paycheck

After running the program, the output file "employees_payCheck.txt" will contain the generated paychecks, and the results will also be displayed on the screen.