Environmental determinism means: (Points : 1)

Environmental determinism is a theory that suggests that the physical environment, including climate, geography, and resources, determines the social, cultural, and economic development of human societies. It implies that human behavior and characteristics are shaped by the environment in which they live.

To understand the concept of environmental determinism, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting research on the topic. Look for reliable sources such as books, scholarly articles, or reputable websites that explain the theory of environmental determinism. This will provide you with a foundational understanding of the concept.

2. Take note of key definitions and concepts related to environmental determinism. This will help you grasp the core ideas behind the theory.

3. Explore the historical context of environmental determinism. Understand when and how this theory emerged and the various perspectives and controversies surrounding it.

4. Consider the main arguments and evidence supporting environmental determinism. Look for case studies or examples that demonstrate how the physical environment can influence human society and development.

5. Take note of any opposing viewpoints or criticisms of environmental determinism. Consider alternative theories or perspectives that challenge or provide a different explanation for the relationship between the environment and human behavior.

By following these steps, you will be able to gain a comprehensive understanding of environmental determinism and its implications.