how do i convert 0.00183338433 g/mL to mM? and putting it in 4 significant numbers. thank u

sorry i forgot to put that the chemical formula is C8H14N2O3S

to convert grams to mols you need to know molecular weight from periodic table of each of the elements in the compound.

C = 12.011 g/mol
H = 1.008 g/mol
N = 14.007 g/mol
0 = 15.999 g/mol
S = 32.06 g/mol

each of these numbers indicates how much 1 mol weighs in grams

now in your compound there are 8 Cs, 14 Hs, 2 Ns, 3 Os and 1 S

so 1 mol of your compound weighs
8*12.011 g/mol+
14*1.008 g/mol+
2*14.007 g/mol+
3*15.999 g/mol+
1*32.06 g/mol=

0.00183338433 g/mL * (1mol/218.271g) (set it up so the grams cancels and the mols are left)

so 0.00183338433/218.271=8.39958*10^-6mol/mL

now convert to desire units:

(again set it up so units cancel properly)
1000*1000 = 10^6 which cancels the 10^-6

thus 8.39958mmol/L or in other words 8.39958mM

and finally to four scientific figures

To convert grams per milliliter (g/mL) to millimolar (mM), you need to know the molecular weight of the substance in question. Let's assume you want to convert the density of a certain substance to mM.

Here's the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Determine the molecular weight (MW) of the substance.
- If you provide the name of the substance, I can assist you in finding the molecular weight using a chemical database or formula. Let's assume the molecular weight is 100 g/mol for this explanation.

Step 2: Calculate the moles of the substance.
- Moles = Mass (g) / Molecular Weight (g/mol)
- For your example, the moles of the substance would be:
Moles = 0.00183338433 g / 100 g/mol = 1.83338433 × 10^-5 moles

Step 3: Convert moles to millimoles.
- Millimoles = Moles × 1000
- In this case, millimoles would be:
Millimoles = 1.83338433 × 10^-5 moles × 1000 = 0.0183338433 mM

Step 4: Round to the desired significant figures.
- In this case, you want the answer with four significant figures. Since there are only four significant figures in the original number, no rounding is needed.

Therefore, the final answer, rounded to four significant figures, is 0.01833 mM.

Keep in mind that the molecular weight is essential to this conversion, so please provide the correct molecular weight of the substance you are working with for accurate results.