A fuel has heat of combustion equal to 30 kJ / g. How much energy is released when 5 kilograms are oxidized?

Is it not 30kJ/g*5000g?

150000kJ (150MJ)

To find out how much energy is released when 5 kilograms of fuel are oxidized, we need to calculate the total heat of combustion.

Heat of combustion = 30 kJ/g
Mass of fuel oxidized = 5 kilograms

First, we need to convert the mass from kilograms to grams:
Mass in grams = 5 kilograms x 1000 grams/kilogram = 5000 grams

Now, we can calculate the total energy released during the combustion using the formula:
Energy released = Heat of combustion x Mass of fuel oxidized

Energy released = 30 kJ/g x 5000 grams = 150,000 kJ

Therefore, when 5 kilograms of fuel are oxidized, approximately 150,000 kJ of energy is released.