The baseball game started at 2:15 P.M. and ran 2 hours and 48 minutes. At what time did the game end?

Does it end at 5:03 P.M or not?

Right. It ended at 5:03 p.m.


You're welcome.


To determine the end time of the baseball game, we can start by adding the duration of the game (2 hours and 48 minutes) to the start time (2:15 PM).

First, let's convert the duration to minutes. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we have:

2 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 120 minutes

Adding this to the 48 minutes gives a total of 168 minutes.

Now, we can add the 168 minutes to the start time of 2:15 PM:

2:15 PM + 168 minutes = ?

To add minutes to a specific time, we need to make sure we account for any additional hours that might arise when adding the minutes.

Since 168 minutes is greater than 60 minutes, it's better to break it down into hours and remaining minutes.

Dividing 168 minutes by 60 minutes/hour gives us:
168 minutes / 60 minutes/hour = 2 hours, with 48 minutes remaining.

Now, we can add the 2 hours to the start time's hour:

2 hours + 2:15 PM = 4:15 PM

Finally, we add the remaining 48 minutes to the start time's minutes:

4:15 PM + 48 minutes = 5:03 PM

Therefore, the baseball game ended at 5:03 PM.