Estimate the number of moles of gas (and mass of gas assuming that it is all N2) inside your family car (or a friends if you don't have one). If the amount of gas was compressed at constant temperature to fit inside a coke can what ould the pressure inside the coke can be?

I solved the question already, but I just need to show how I got 28.317L from using 115ft^3.

What's the conversion for using 115ft^3 to receiving 28.317L?

I don't know. 115 cubic feet = 3256.4 liters. The conversion factor IS 28.317.

115 x 28.317 = 3256.4

To convert 115 ft^3 to liters (L), you need to use the conversion factor 1 ft^3 = 28.317 L.

To apply this conversion factor, you can multiply 115 ft^3 by the conversion factor:

115 ft^3 * 28.317 L/1 ft^3 = 3250.155 L.

So, 115 ft^3 is equal to approximately 3250.155 L. We can round this value to 28.317 L for convenience in calculations.

Therefore, to estimate the number of moles of gas inside your family car (assuming it is all N2) and compressed to fit inside a coke can, you would need to calculate the number of moles using the ideal gas law equation:

PV = nRT,

P is the pressure inside the coke can,
V is the volume of the gas (28.317 L),
n is the number of moles of gas,
R is the ideal gas constant (0.0821 L·atm/mol·K),
T is the temperature in Kelvin (assuming constant temperature during compression).

Since we are not given the temperature, we cannot calculate the exact pressure. However, we can say that the pressure inside the coke can would be higher than the pressure in the car due to the compression. The exact pressure value would depend on the temperature and the initial pressure inside the car.