1 My Math problem Intergers 2-(-2) = -4

2.Between noon and 3pm, temp dropped 9 degrees (f). It increased 4 degrees (f) between 39m & 5pm and dropped 15 degrees(F) between 5om and midnight.If the temperature was -2 degrees (f) at midnight, what was the temperature at noon? My answer is -13 at noon

-8 90

To solve the first problem:

1. Start by subtracting -2 from 2: 2 - (-2) = 2 + 2 = 4.
2. The result of the subtraction is 4, not -4. Therefore, -4 is not the correct answer.

To solve the second problem:
1. The temperature dropped 9 degrees between noon and 3 PM, so if we let the temperature at noon be "x", the temperature at 3 PM would be x - 9.
2. The temperature then increased 4 degrees between 3 PM and 5 PM. So, the temperature at 5 PM would be (x - 9) + 4 = x - 5.
3. Finally, the temperature dropped 15 degrees between 5 PM and midnight. So, the temperature at midnight would be (x - 5) - 15 = x - 20.
4. Given that the temperature at midnight was -2 degrees, we can set up the equation x - 20 = -2 and solve for x.
x - 20 = -2
x = -2 + 20
x = 18
5. Therefore, the temperature at noon would be 18 degrees Fahrenheit, not -13.

1. no 2 - (-2) = 2 + 2 = +4

Noon temp - 9 + 4 - 15 = -2

Noon temp = -2 + 15 - 4 + 9

= +18